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7 myths about Chernobyl

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is one of the largest anthropogenic disasters in human history. It caused a lot of losses in different areas of life. There are still an incredible amount of myths and fantasies about the accident.

Lets have a look at the seven most popular myths about Chernobyl and reveal the truth about them!

1 Myth: After the Chernobyl disaster the local nature was severely damaged

Reality: The impact of radiation on the environment was observed only near the destroyed unit. There was an X-ray irradiation up to 2000 R. This area was known as "Red Forest”. Now the entire natural environment, including this area, is fully recovered.

2 Myth: The mutation arose as a result of radiation will be transmitted to subsequent generations of former Chernobyl citizens

Reality: After the radioactive accident in the Yuzhny Ural, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and, of course, Chernobyl accident there has not been registered any single case of genetic disorders due to radiation poisoning.

3 Myth: The very first major accident at the nuclear power plant happened in Chernobyl

Reality: The first big accident occurred on U.S. territory in Pennsylvania State in 1979 on the NPP «Three Mile Island».

4 Myth: The accident at Chernobyl is nothing more than a nuclear explosion

Reality: Most of the experts, who has studied disaster at Chernobyl, came to the conclusion that firstly there happened the explosion of reactor’s construction under tremendous steam pressure, and then detonated and exploded the air-hydrogen mixture. The scale of the explosion was great, but it was not a nuclear explosion!

5 Myth: All nuclear power plants have to be closed

Reality: The number of dead at coal mines every year is many times greater than the loss of the Chernobyl disaster!
The radioactive waste, produced by nuclear power plant, are safely buried and processed without damage to human health.

6 Myth: Chernobyl is still a source of danger

Reality: In 2000 there was stopped the last operating unit of the Chernobyl NPP. Now the main part of the fuel is saved in special ponds. Based on these data, we can conclude that the accident possibility is excluded.

7 Myth: From the territory of the Chernobyl zone get hazardous foods in Ukraine

Reality: On the territory of Chernobyl there are special health services to strengthen oversight of hygienic standards for the content of radionuclides in food. If in any settlement these standards are exceeded, there are carried out the protective measures by liming and fertilization of soils, improvement of grazing lands, and much more. Thus there are to make every effort to control food.

The author of the article is not trying to reduce the value of the Chernobyl disaster or its consequences. This disaster has clearly been a terrible accident in the history of mankind. The purpose of this article is to dispel some myths and exaggerations that have accumulated around the Chernobyl catastrophe.
Category: Interesting | Added by: Vik
Views: 1241 | Tags: Chernobyl, Чорнобиль, X-Ray, Чернобыль, plant, nuclear, power, myths, about, irradiation | Rating: 0.0/0

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